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Soft skills are often something that people have a natural propensity for, but they are also something you can learn and improve. Soft skills are typically associated with interacting with other people. An example of a soft skill for a marketing manager would be the ability to peacefully manage a conflict that arises among their team members.

Both hard and soft skills are necessary for a marketing manager's success. The hard skills help them to complete complex tasks while the soft skills aid them in managing and leading their team


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Soft skills are often something that people have a natural propensity for, but they are also something you can learn and improve. Soft skills are typically associated with interacting with other people. An example of a soft skill for a marketing manager would be the ability to peacefully manage a conflict that arises among their team members.

Both hard and soft skills are necessary for a marketing manager's success. The hard skills help them to complete complex tasks while the soft skills aid them in managing and leading their team